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With 3 simple ingredients found in my cupboard, I was able to cure our dying dog of (open) pyometra, naturally!!
One sick puppy……
Our pug Paisley became very ill over the summer. I first noticed that she was spotting blood along with a clear discharge. There was also a foul odor coming from her woo hoo (aka vagina).
She wasn’t eating, drinking, or being her playful self. By day 3 she was so weak that she could only drag herself to get around as if she was paralyzed. Something clearly was terribly wrong.
The vet ran multiple tests and had determined she had PYOMETRA. She explained that this was a serious and life-threatening infection of the uterus that must be treated by an emergency spay. It would also require multiple days of hospitalization due to her frail state.
Finding a cure…..
Without surgery, my vet assured me she would be gone in 2- 3 days but could not gaurntee she would make it through surgery. Her chances were slim either way.
I then had to make the tough decision to find not go through with the surgery and look for another alternative. I wrapped Paisley in her blanket and headed home.
I immediately began searching the web for a cure. What seemed like hours later, I could only come up with one single remedy from an unfamiliar website.
After reading through all the comments on this particular page, I began to have some hope. All of them claimed to have used this exact remedy to save their dog’s life, and it worked! At this point, I had nothing to lose.
Manuka Honey, Turmeric and Vitamin C Protocol for Pyometra
A combination of Manuka honey, turmeric, and vitamin C were the 3 ingredients that others had successfully used for their pets. One website suggested I give the doses for a full 10 days 3 times a day. On the first day giving her 4-5 doses to really jump-start her immune system.
I did what the website suggested. I gave her a total of 5 doses the first day and 3 doses a day thereafter for 9 days.
According to the website each ingredient amount should be given to your dog according to weight. I have listed below what they have suggested.
Unfortunately, I cannot find the website I found this remedy on! It seems to have just vanished! So I am super grateful I wrote it all down! The exact ingredients I used are listed below as well.
How Much Manuka Honey Should I Give My Dog for Pyometra?
I was able to find manuka honey at our local Kroger’s store but it can be found at most health food stores and Amazon. I used raw honey until I was able to go to the store. Seemed to work just fine.
The recommended dosage goes by your dog’s weight.
* Over 80 pounds 3 teaspoons
* 21-80 pounds 1 1/2 teaspoon
* 5-20 pounds 3/4 teaspoon
How Much Turmeric Should I Give My Dog for Pyometra?
I used organic Turmeric also from Krogers. This can be found at most health food stores or your local grocery store. If you have turmeric capsules you can empty the capsules onto a measuring spoon. Again, determine dosage by weight.
* Over 80 pounds 1 teaspoon
* 41-80 pounds 1/2 teaspoon
* 21-40 pounds 1/4 teaspoon
* 5 -20 pounds 1/16 -1/8 teaspoon
How Much Vitamin C Should I Give My Dog for Pyometra?
The sodium ascorbate vitamin C is the easiest on the stomach for your dog. I used a tablet form that I crushed with a pill crusher.
* 5-20 pounds 500-1,000 mg
* 20-80 pounds 1,000-2,000 mg
* Over 80 pounds 2,000-4,000 mg
Helpful Tip:
- The hardest part was getting Paisley to take the remedy! I had to get creative. I cooked some raw chicken breast and cut about 1/4 of that up into pieces and then added the turmeric, honey, and vitamin C remedy to it. It was super sticky so I then added some organic bone broth to help dilute it a bit.
As sick as she was she gobbled it all up! The other doses for the day I put in a syringe and gave it to her orally. I used bone broth because it also has a ton of healing properties in it as well!
Pictured below are the exact ingredients I used minus the chicken.

This is what the remedy looked like after adding some bone broth. Without it, the consistency was too thick to suck up into the syringe.

After only 3 days she was back on her feet and her playful self again! I still continued to give her the remedy for the next 10 days as I could still see and smell the discharge. But by day 10 she had made a full recovery!

What you need to know about pyometra BEFORE treating your pet…..
This secondary infection occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the female’s reproductive tract. Usually during estrus (while in “heat”). Pyometra typically occurs 2-8 weeks following a heat cycle.
It can occur in younger dogs but is more common in older dogs. According to our vet, dogs who are not spayed or bred are usually more prone to contracting this type of infection. However, our Paisley had been bred twice and was about to be fixed right before she had fallen sick. So it can happen either way in my opinion.
Here is the REALLY important part.
There are 2 types of pyometra – open AND closed.
An OPEN pyometra is less dangerous than a CLOSED pyometra. Luckily for us, Paisley had open pyometra. This is where the cervix is open. With an open pyometra, I was able to visibly see her vaginal discharge that smelled foul and contained blood and pus. An open cervix allows the infection to leave the body.
With CLOSED pyometra, the cervix is closed and the infection is not able to drain out of the uterus. A closed uterus that is full of infection will eventually rupture, spilling the infection all through the abdominal cavity and causing death.
Surgery is the only recommended option in this case.
Symptoms of Pyometra:
Distended abdomen
Foul, bloody, or pus-filled vaginal discharge
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Excessive thirst
Ways to avoid your pet getting pyometra….
Have your pet spayed! If not, the risk for this type of infection could return.
If you have any other natural remedies for pyometra please share in the comments below! We would love to hear them!

Hi. and Thank you..!! It was 3 years ago when Luna was diagnosed with Pyometra.. It was a terminal diagnosis.. I found your post and followed the instructions.. The results were amazing, and three years later here we are.. Luna is going strong.. We had 1 relapse about a year later but nothing since.. I had a bit of trouble getting her to ingest it, so I mixed in a tablespoon of cider vinegar, and some pureed sausage.. (Her favorite) Then she ate it little by little.. Within days the results were visible.. Once again Thank You..!! <3
hello jessica, im liz from philippines.,i have 7years old shitzhu and she have open pyometra..we’ve been to Vet and they told me that the only way to save my annie is surgery. I refuse to have the surgery cause its too risky and the i cannot afford the cost of surgery cause its too expensive..So when i saw your post about treating dog have an open pyometra so i try it right away..But in our province i cannot find the manuka i just use raw honey, turmeric powder and vit C capsule..but its been 16days since i started treating my shitzhu but i still saw a green vaginal discharge from her..what do you think is the problem? do you think i need to use the manuka honey for the treatment? but she is now bubbly not like before..
I am wondering how you knew/ could tell it was working and if you had to go to vet follow ups or anything.
I would like to sincerely thank you for this home remedy. This has cured my 8 year old female golden retriever of open pyometra. She went from having bloody discharge to the path of recovery after four doses of this magical concoction. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this here. I will forever pray for the health and happiness of you and your loved ones!
Thank you <3
Hello Jessica,
First I want to say thank you so much for posting this. You are the only person I came across while extensively searching for options for our precious 11 year old Pitbull Bailey. We adopted her in July 2021 and her previous owners never spayed her. She then had a heat cycle in December 2021 that was pretty tough in her, b it she made it through and back to her fun playful self. By 1/19/22 she wasn’t herself and sleeping a lot by 1/20 she wasn’t even getting up and we rushed her to the vet they suspected pyrometra and it was open bc of the discharge. They wanted to do emergency surgery but advised me she may not make it through bc she was so weak and went downhill so fast.
We had to make a fast decision and it was to do pain meds and antibiotics and after finding your website and follow your instructions to the letter! After 2 days of doing the mix following your exact dosage per Baileys weight she turned a corner and was making a recovery she was going on walks and no more vomiting or diarrhea and was eating.
Unfortunately on Tuesday 1/25/22 10am after a walk she came inside and couldn’t move we made her comfortable in the basement family room since she couldn’t make it up the steps and she wasn’t doing well at all. We stayed by her side and never left it and gave her water by medicine dropper.
Our sweet precious Bailey girl passed away on Wednesday 1/26/22 at 5:13am she was surround by her family.
I believe that by us using your holistic approach to this infection bought us a few more days with our sweet girl and that she passed in less pain. It’s days we would have not had if we put her through a horrible surgery they wanted to do. So thank you again for what you do and thank you for giving us more time with our beloved Bailey ❤️
THANK YOU!!! My baby was dying yesterday. Two doses last night and she woke up a different animal! She is eating. She is trying to play. THANK YOU!!! 💚 💛 💚 💛
Hi Jessica can I use this natural remedy on my cat? After searching through the internet I learned that it’s a life threatening disease and the only cure is to perform surgery which I can’t afford right now. I don’t know what to do anymore for my little friend. 😞
Hello! Sorry to hear about your cat. This remedy should work for your car but I can’t say for sure as I’ve never used it before on one. It’s worth a shot though! Please keep us updated! Prayers for healing!! 🙏❤️
Hello,1 cant find Manuka honey, can I just use regular store bought honey ???
Hi, I have a 9yo golden retriver half aspin, shes is suffering from open pyometra since yesterday 04 May. At first last 02 May we tot that it was just a heat stroke after sending her to vet and giving meds yesterday discharge started. I forgot to include in the 1st comment that my dog is not eating since yesterday and cant stand her feet. Her life support is only dextrose and nutriflex . We will go to market tomorrow to check if we can get turmeric and vit C. For manuka honey its not available here bcoz we are residing in far province of Philippines. Can you confirm raw honey is safe to use as an alternative for manuka honey? Also chichay is 14kls. Thank you for this blog big help, hope can extend my pets life.
I’m so sorry to hear this! Her condition sounds very similar to what our dog went through. Any organic honey should work. I know that’s what I started with and she pulled through! Please keep us posted! Prayers go out your pup! 🙏
I am giving my dog as per the recommendation but she keeps puking it out.. any advise?
I am sorry to hear this. Is she puking up everything she eats or just the remedy? If it’s just the remedy maybe try diluting it as much as possible with some bone broth or water. If she’s throwing up everything she eats I would suggest talking to a vet. Hope this helps!
I put s ebony on a more natural diet for dogs. Raw meat. Mixed it in and she devoured it.
Question. When you say 5 doses is that 4000 mg of the vitamin c along with the other ingredients each time equaling up to 20,000 mg of vitamin c or 5 doses of the ingredients that you mixed up equaling out to only 4000 mg separated into 5 doses.
Hello. Yes. Each dose is separate according to the weight of your dog. You will give her that dose amount up to 4-5x’s the first day. It’s supposed to really amp up her immune system. After the first day, you can then give her the appropriate amount for her weight 3x’s a day till infection is gone. Hope this helps!
Hi Jessic! How many hours apart does the mixture have to be given?
Hello. I gave the mixture about every 4 hours on the first day then after that I gave it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hope this helps.
Hi Jessica, thank you so much for sharing the remedy. When your baby went through this, did the discharge become more frequent and a little heavier as she was healing?
My dog was diagnosed and I started the antibiotics and the remedy. I did however, notice that her discharge is more frequent now but no foul smell anymore. Praying this is a positive thing
So sorry for your baby! 🥲 My pup did discharge quiet a bit in the beginning and the smell went away. I do think this is a good thing as the infection is leaving the body. Prayers for quick healing! 🙏
My 10 year old shih tzu started discharging on Saturday, her vulva was super swollen so we thought maybe it was vaginitis. Took her to the vet on Monday, they said it was an open Pyometra. I didn’t even know this was an issue in non spayed females until I started researching, we did not spay her for health reasons. The vet prescribed antibiotics and within 24 hours her discharge was gone. She was acting pretty normal throughout this time – eating, drinking water normally, playing, etc…but I was concerned because her uterus was starting to look swollen to me. I felt like even though the abx may have killed the infection, there was still pus inside of her that wasn’t coming out. Found this website yesterday after relentlessly researching natural cures because we cannot afford to do the surgery, and started giving it to her (4x yesterday). Today, she is starting to release all of the discharge that was inevitably building up inside of her. Hoping that everything comes out and she is cured and back to normal! She is the sweetest little girl and I am so grateful that I can help her. Thank you for posting this remedy.
Hi Jessica, do you know if it’s ok to continue antibiotics and your remedy at the same time? What’s worked best? Thanks for posting this. Our dog is in the same boat and we are hoping she makes it through.
Hi Alexandra! I personally did not do this myself but I know others have with no problem. I’d just watch her because the antibiotics may cause upset stomach and cause her to throw up the remedy. Praying for a speedy recovery!! 🙏
Hello jess I’m from Philippines., I have a 1year old chow chow and she has an open pyometra., it started last February 2 2021 that I notice she’s not acting as she was playful existed to see me when i come back home from work., at first i thought she is only having a normal fever that she’ll definitely will get better fast and then after 1 week at night i notice the white liquid from her vagina., it’s very an awful smell., so i was worried what is that and i search and found out about pyometra., i got worried so early in the morning i rash to the vet and it was conferm that she has open pyometra., and they said it needs immediate surgery., and it made me feel so scared for her it made me feel that is dangerous and very risky for her., i ask if there’s any other way because also i can’t afford the surgery., they give me some antibiotics., but i still went to four vets to give me a different option., and then one vet said i think she can survive medication cause i can see that she is strong and not stress., well because i can see it also that is the one that giving me hope that she can survive without surgery., so the vet said continue medication., so that’s what I did., but still I’m looking for more answers that can truly help me., and thank god i found out your blog about your dog., after reading everything i tried to look for the ingredients., the thing is i only find raw honey., turmeric., sodium ascorbate vitamin C., I’m hopping it will work until the liquid will be gone.,
I think is working cause after more than 1week her energy came back but still a little and sometimes more is coming out to her vagina., so i nerver stop to give her the ingredients until I’m sure that is gone and she is totally in good condition., it’s already more than a month that i keep on praying for her fast recovery.,
Thank you for your sharing your dog’s story that it give me inspiration and hope for her to not give up and keep praying and fighting for her., most importantly she is my only dog and i love her so much., I’m not yet ready to see her gone to my life., she’s so young for it., she still got a lot to enjoy her life with me and I’m willing to give all her happiness most importantly i am the only family she have… 💗🙏
Hello Ms. Allison. I am from Philippines too. Can I ask you for help how you manage to mix the remedy for open pyometra? My 11 year old dog has open pyometra too. What is your way in mixing the 3 ingredients since ? Did you also tried to cook raw chicken and used bone broth the to mix the 3 ingredients? Asking for your guidance please. Thank you.
Our yorkie was diagnosed with this tonight. I can’t get her to eat at all. I got all the ingredients. I mixed it well. Do i serve her those amounts at once each time: 3/4 tsp honey, 1/8 tsp of turmeric, and 500 mg of vitamin c? I added the same broth you posted to it to bring it all to a liquid form. She only got a bit of it down and now she is regurgitating it. Am I supposed make this for every dose or give it to her this concoction over time throughout the day? She was given antibiotics and hydration from the doctor. I can’t afford the surgery right now and the only other recommendation was to lay her to rest. The idea of this breaks my heart.
I’m so sorry! Yes, give her the full dose all at once up to 4 times a day for the first day then 3-2 times after that. If she can’t handle it tonight you can try tomorrow. Maybe try adding a little less liquid and rolling the mixture into a pill form and see if that helps her keep it down better. Praying for a quick recovery!! Keep us posted!🙏💓
Thank you
Wish I had read this 2 days ago ! Our dog had pyo and the vet wouldn’t allow me the time to look for alternatives to surgery, she had been pregnant and we wanted to have a litter with her, I’m devastated that we have lost this
I am so sorry to hear this! Hope she is feeling better. ❤️
Hi Jess will this work for preventing pyometra? My 10 month old Frenchie got a mismate shot and now I’m freaking out about pyometra. I wouldn’t have given it to her if I knew how high the risk are but my vet made it seem like nothing.
Hello Amanda. I have read that this remedy is ok to use as a preventative but I would not use it as a long term solution. Meaning everyday. I would give this remedy to her before or after she goes into heat for no more than 10 days. The best way to prevent pyometra is having them spade. Hope this helps!
Hi my dog is detected pyometra. Doctor has given her antibiotics. I am from India. What do I give her . 1tsp honey 1/2 tap organic turmeric and vitamin C tablets
Hello. The amount you need to give her depends on her weight. I have listed the dosage according to size in my post.
Jessica. You can remove the sentence “Shame on you Jessica for not giving their due credit for their information!” as it was intended for you. I admire the fact that you are doing a great service by volunteering your time and energy to your blog to help guardians of animals make healthy choices. I always reference anything I post, if I obtained the information elsewhere. It adds to my credibility as well. Best wishes to you…
Good afternoon.
The source of reference for this open pyometra natural remedy is from I have followed them for over fifteen years and an excellent resource for people and their animals. is another good resource. Shame on you Jessica for not giving their due credit for their information!
Please do your research when making the option to spay and neuter your animals which should preferably be done after sexual maturity of the animal for the well being and longevity of your animal. I am a retired long-term holistic breeder with a pre-med major along with research studies for over 28 years in Ayurvedic medicine (one of the world’s oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. It was developed more than 3,000 years ago in India, and natural healing in general.), as well as Traditional Chinese medicine and natural healing. Along with my dear friend who is a veterinarian for over twenty years, many of those as the leading veterinarian at San Diego Zoo have the following recommendations:
Ovary Sparing Spay (OSS) & Vasectomy (absolute best spay/neuter option, if animal and organs are healthy):
The uterus and entire cervix must be removed. Unfortunately, it is difficult to locate a skilled veterinarian performing this type of spay, but definitely worth the expense and possible travel time.
Ovariectomy (OVH) (another option):
Some great animal recourses:
Best wishes to you and your animals; they depend on you to make the best decisions for their health and well being…
YES!!!! Thank you for sharing the website! I searched FOREVER trying to find it again with no such luck! I was in no way trying to take credit for this remedy either. I simply could not find where I found it as I was pretty distraught trying to save my dear Paisley and only wrote down the ingredients. I did make mention of that but I will absolutely add this new information to my post as to where this remedy came from as I believe in backing up my research! This is such a great site that I really DO want to share it with others. I want to thank you for the work that you do and for the wonderful links. I will also add those to my post as well! I am currently studying Ayurveda and use it in my everyday life. We need more people like you!! ❤️
Hi Jess,
Firstly thank you for your post it has given me hope for my dog Indy, I am so grateful you have shared your post…
I stumbled across this in tears while looking for remedial options to help with ‘an easy transition to passing’ for our 12 year old American Staffy “Indy” – It’s only early days for us we are only on day 2 of this remedy but this brings me hope that she might be able to fight this and if not I’m hopeful that it helps ease the pain inside her till the end.
After returning from the emergency vet and being told she would die very soon if she didn’t have surgery right then (it felt somewhat pushy) unfortunately due to the expensive cost my only option was to bring her home make her comfortable until she’s ready to pass and eventually put down by the mobile vet.
When i think about the days leading up to taking her to the vet I had noticed a change in her behaviour she started digging holes and digging up plants trying to eat the roots, became lethargic, started whimpering and would bring her toy to me constantly wanting my affection, sometimes shaking, vomiting, then bloody discharge which i assumed she was on heat and therefore initially disregarded her behaviour as hormonal. Now when I look back I feel guilty because there were times I scolded her for digging holes when really it was her way of telling me something was wrong and she needed help… I’ll eventually get over it but it’s always there.
It wasn’t until i noticed the discharge turning yellowish green that I thought to google all of this and that’s when I found it could be pyometra. The emergency vet confirmed she had open pyometra after seeing fluid and a slightly thick uterus from the ultrasound. I couldn’t afford the $6000 surgery on the spot so asked if they could help with pain killer injection, antibiotic injection and would weigh my options the next day.
That night i cried thinking how i was going to tell my 3 kids, so i lay there next to her and searched all night for remedial options to help ease her pain leading up to her passing. This is when i stumbled across your page and after reading it over about 5 times lol I started to calculate exactly how much of each ingredient i needed to give her.
This not only gives us hope that she might recover but if it doesn’t work at least we did the best we could without the surgery we couldn’t afford so I am grateful that you shared your success story to those of us who are looking for a last resort option of hope.
Here are my measurements for my Indy in case anyone else has a dog of similar size 🙂 and I’ll let you know how she is going over the few days x
American Staffordshire
Indy = 60pounds/30kgs
Manuka honey = 1.5 teaspoon
Organic tumeric = 1/2 teaspoon
sodium ascorbate vitamin C = 1000-2000mg (crushed/powdered)
Day 1 = give 5 times first day
Day 2 – 9 = give 3 times a day
I mix with a little water then use syringe 😊
My little 14 year Pomeranian was diagnosed with open pyometra 4 week ago and the first cause of action was two types of antiboctics to get the infection under control with the view to emergency desexing if that didn’t work within a few days. I too searched the net for another solution as she also has a heart condition that put her at even higher risk. My baby survived and is doing really well however she still has a slight infection brewing so l am going to give this ago although the vet did suggest a high cost desexing another said that because of her heart she was too high of risk. I truly hope your girl improves as l believe that good things can be found in nature and l know how percious our fur babies are.
Thank you for sharing! Prayers go out to you and your pup! Please keep us posted. ❤️🙏
Hi Jessica, l was just wondering in your little dogs case since you said you were going to get her spayed before she got sick why you decided to breed from her two more times instead. I was really hopeful that since it had been 3 years and her infection hadn’t come back that l could use this to keep my old dog safe. My baby had a open infection so the first course of action was two different types of antiboctics with the view of emergency spraying if she got worse or didn’t improve. I was incredibly blessed that she recovered so well. I know it has been 3 years for your girl however the fact that she had two more litters would have kept her safe. Can you please let me know why you changed your mind about desexing once she had recovered from her original illness and if you were ever offered antiboctics for her with her first illness. My 14 year pure bred Pomeranian has never been bred from and is too old to breed now which research says will prevent the infection from coming back and also isn’t a candidate for desexing because of heart issues. I want to give her reciep to get rid of any lingering infection and in case it comes back. She is so percious to me. Do you know if it is best to use it as a preventive or is the infection likely to return regardless. I am so concern about my baby and would love to hear from people that have used long term without breeding their dog or have used if the infection came back with success, Kind Regards
Jo, our decision to breed her was really not intentional. We really didn’t want her having any more pups. So we didn’t allow her to breed as a way to prevent her from getting pyometra again. Reason being, she already had 2 litters prior to getting pyometra. Because of this, I do NOT believe that breeding them keeps them from getting it. If that was the case, our dog would have never have gotten sick in the first place. We were also never offered any antibiotics. I did ask for them but my vet told me that they do not work for this type of infection.🤷🏼♀️ I personally do not use the remedy as a preventative but I have read that the remedy is ok to use as one and that’s what I would do. I would give it to her no more than 10 days around her heat cycle. Hope this helps! Praying for healing!
Hi Jess just giving you an update my dog is doing well she recovered so well 😊 everyone in the house is so happy she’s still enjoying life with us x thank you for sharing x
Yes!!! 🙌🏼 So happy to hear this! ❤️
My 17 year old Cheevinee (10.7 Lbs) is sick. Has given her 4 doses of antibiotic but she has stopped eating and also drinking water. I am soo worried. I started giving her electrolytes. I know she wont be able to complete the course of 21 days of antibiotics. Then I searched for home remedies and came across this. I am almost certain this will work since I am a firm believer in natural remedies. Honey, turmeric, ginger, lemon juice or Vitamin C and Bone broth are all best for healing and immunity as they were highly popular during Corona pandemic as well. I immediately looked for whatever I could find but all I could find was honey and turmeric. I will bring everything tomorrow morning. She had whitish discharge but after 1 dose of antibiotic its way less so I hope she recovers fast. Giving her electrolytes may be very important.
Using Syringe to give liquids helps a lot. She liked honey turmaric and peanut butter paste so she ate one spoon… lets see how she takes it tomorrow.
I am praying for her happy and healthy life whatever she lives…
Prayers for a speedy recovery!! 🙏
Hi Jess! I have a 10 year old Mini Schnauzer here has pyometra, and I believe its a closed one. Would giving her this remedy be a good option? Or is it too high of a risk? Right now the only options we can see is going on with the surgery, saying goodbye, or this remedy. As much as we love her and dont want her to go, we cant afford the surgery. And if the remedy isnt recommended, then sadly, she has to go. However, her actions dont seem as bad as Ive heard here. Although her appetite is gone, shes always sleeping, and she only drinks water. I believe she is in pain and I want to help her but I dont know how. I hope you can give me some information. Thank you so much!
From what I understand it’s not recommended for closed pyometra because the infection has no way of leaving the body. I did read about 1 case where they were successful but that’s it. If you are not able to do the surgery then I would at least try it. Keeps us posted! Prayers for healing! 🙏
Wouldn’t it make things worse if ever? Since I have heard that some people have tried it on their pets, but it just made things worse. However, will still consider on trying. Will post an update here. Thank you for the prayers!
Hi all,
I came across the site/blog thing yesterday while sitting in a vet’s office parking lot. I read through some comments but couldn’t find anyone come back to say thank you for the help.
Like most, Ebony was given option of surgery ($3,000) or put to sleep. Blood test wouldve brought my vet visit to $600+. Looking at her ($125) and giving antibiotics($70). Based on her discharging, it’s open and not closed (information gathered via online searching) . We’re assuming it’s Pyometra as her heat was Nov/Dec.
I only did 4 doses yesterday (I also have her with the antibiotics. Once a day. ) Within 24 hours. She peed a lot in the bed which did have some pus. The second time had more blood and pus mixed. But she was on her own bed and blankets that time.
A family member noticed heavy breathing last night. Same night which the blood/pus discharge happened.
When we let her out, her urine is dark and sometimes she’ll pee just a few drops of blood.
* My Mixture * All capital words are those from the post
Blended organic TURMERIC and Ginger. I dipped the bulb of ginger in Organic Black Seed Oil or Cumin Seed Oil. I’m assuming that measured out to maybe an 1/8 teaspoon of that. Added maybe 2oz of spring water and blended as good as I could. (Didn’t strain/filter). This allows me to refrigerate in a container. This mixture produced 4-6oz. That’s a lot and will last most of the cleansing!
MANUKA HONEY (Get Real or PRI is the brand)
VITAMIN C w/ Rose Hip (Dr. Clark Store 2 capsules)
3 teaspoons of Sea Moss (My personal stash) which I gelled. 1 teaspoon per serving.
1/2 teaspoon of food grade Coconut Oil per day.
I used “organic” ground Turkey 85/15. Bought from Aldi’s. I won’t be cooking her meats. This container allowed for the 4 days of serving preparations. I also bought chicken thighs and salmon which I’ll grind up in the blender. Grinding it will ensure she eats all of it.
I had most of the herbs on hand so I didn’t have to go buy anything. However I will have to because these were for personal use and now two of us are using them. I like the Manuka honey and enjoyed learning about it while standing in the aisle on how to purchase it at Whole Foods😂.
I want to thank the writer and site for the information! I have high hopes. I have seen a slight behavior change since the antibiotics (to slow infection) and this mixture. I’ll post updates and photos (graphic and none) on my Twitter account @TheRealChoocka.
Hi Jessica. Can you join my Twitter and let me know if the discharge is “normal” or something similar to your experience?
Hello Emmanuel,
From my experience bloody and smelly discharge is a common sign of pyometra. But to be sure I would visit your get so they can run a blood test to confirm this.
I was questioning the release of the infection during the 9 days of it. Color, consistency, how much, etc…
Thank you for the responses though!
Oh I’m apologize. From what I experienced during that time was a smelly and bloody mucus like discharge. After about 5 or 6 days of giving her the remedy the smell and blood was gone. I did see a little discharge after that but it was clear. By day 10 I was no longer seeing anything. It all depends how much infection is there. Some will see more some will see less. Hope that helps.
It does! Thank you.
I am absolutely elated to find this. My dog has open as well but they were telling us the only option was surgery. She has congestive heart failure as well so she has even less of a chance to make it through the surgery. It makes me so mad that these vets cant do the research to save lives with natural options. I dont know if this will save her but at least reducing her infection has got to be better than nothing. Thank you so much for this. Im going to get her on this ASAP
Hello Holly! Praying 🙏 this remedy worked for her! ❤️
Hi I just came across this. My dog is currently on an at home treatment for the pyometra. She’s roughly 35 pounds. It says 5 doses the first day and then 3 for the rest of the day. Do I give her the doses at the same time or throughout the day? Thank you.
Hello! Give the doses throughout the day. Not all at once. Prayers for your pup! ❤️
I cannot thank you enough you saved my dog’s life by posting this I am still giving her her meds she is two days in the clear and will continue until her Manuka Honey is gone (damn that was expensive) but WAY WORTH IT!
I would like to add the way that I got my dog to eat the tumeric which seemed to be the biggest challenge for me so I’m going to share how I got it done. I grabbed my half a teaspoon measurer and a roll of liver sausage. I cut the liver sausage (with the plastic cover on) two pieces about a quarter of an inch thick each, lay them flat and took my quarter teaspoon measuring spoon and basically made of little dip into the liver sausage kind of like you would use a ladle into mashed potatoes for gravy. You want to do this 4 times in one slice.
In a little espresso cup I I added one teaspoon of real lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of turmeric and microwave that for 5 seconds ( this hides the taste of the turmeric as well as creates a paste that sticks to the liver sausage) then I scooped this evenly into the divots that I made into the liver sausage. Next I put the vitamin C pills over the top of that and close the liver sausage by putting the other Slice on top and then I cut the liver sausage into quarters (so that’s four treatments ready) I slide my finger to close the gaps on the liver sausage so that she can’t smell the tumeric and then I clean my finger and I add the honey to the top!
I hope this helps because I had one hell of a time getting her to take it by syringe and this was what helped me administer the tumeric and it was so much easier because it was an “all in one dose”.
Again thank you so very much!
I’d also like to add that I made her a soft food combination of six cups of rice cooked in low sodium chicken broth, fresh cooked ground turkey 4 cups of mixed vegetables and one can of yams rinsed and cut combined it all together. I served her only goes for the first 3 days and then gradually added her dry food to it and I gave her a cup for the first 3 days and once I added the food it was three-quarters of a cup of each.
She is two days in the clear but I will continue to give her this until her Manuka Honey is gone.
*CORRECTION!* 4 cans of mixed vegetables
You are so very welcome and thank you for sharing! I’m sure many will find this helpful! Prayers go out for a speedy recovery!!❤️
I found this page and omg I can’t thank you enough, it was exactly what I needed to read before I made the decision to take to the emergency vet and make myself broke. It saved me minimum of £350 and amazingly the ingredients aren’t hard to find, she is making a great recovery, I honestly cant believe it, I thought she was on her way out, but now my ten year old girl is back to running around 😁 xxxxxxxxx
I’m so happy to hear this remedy has helped! Thank you for sharing. Praying she continues to progress!
So happy to hear the remedy has helped!! Thank you for sharing. I’m sure others will find this useful as well!
Hi Jess, my dog is 9 years old. She has open pyometra. Major discharge! Was not eating well and suddenly stopped eating and finally on 22nd night,she cudnt climb the bed n as I lift her up to help her climb…the pus discharge heavily in my foot. I thought loose motion. Then saw it was from her vulva. Didn’t know anything about pyometra. So read on net. I got scared. I gave your concoction to her.waited for the night. Next day on 23rd , took her to vet. She is diagnosed with Open Pyometra. They did blood test and all . Gave n injected fluids n antibiotics. Today she is eating after a long time. I wanted to ask you…how is your dog doing? Is surgery required for your dog as she also had open pyometra. How is she? Did it reoccur? Surgery? I dnt want to go for surgery if there is any chance for avoiding the surgery. Is your dog doing well without surgery or are you going for it or planning in future when her health is stronger? Plz advise.
Hi Jessica, my dog is 9 years old. She has open pyometra. Major discharge! Was not eating well and suddenly stopped eating and finally on 22nd night,she cudnt climb the bed n as I lift her up to help her climb…the pus discharge heavily in my foot. I thought loose motion. Then saw it was from her vulva. Didn’t know anything about pyometra. So read on net. I got scared. I gave your concoction to her.waited for the night. Next day on 23rd , took her to vet. She is diagnosed with Open Pyometra. They did blood test and all . Gave n injected fluids n antibiotics. Today she is eating after a long time. I wanted to ask you…how is your dog doing? Is surgery required for your dog as she also had open pyometra. How is she? Did it reoccur? Surgery? I dnt want to go for surgery if there is any chance for avoiding the surgery. Is your dog doing well without surgery or are you going for it or planning in future when her health is stronger? Plz advise.
Hello Jasmine!! My dog is doing wonderfully. The pyrometers never returned. It’s been 3 years now. We are getting her fixed as we do not want her to have any more puppies. Praying for your pup!!
Did your dogs successfully have w normal litter after her pyrometria?
My email is
I bought an expensive dogs from a breeder who was a vet bit in Russia and the dog ended up having had pyrometria. I would like to breed her. She seems fine end healthy now
Glad to hear she is doing well! Our pug mix has had 2 successful litters since being sick. Her litters are much smaller than the ones she had before she had pyometra. She loses at least one pup per litter but that was happening before she got sick too. The pups that do make it are perfectly healthy. I’m not sure if her litter size has anything to do with her infection or not but I’m guessing there was some damage done. Hope this helps!