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I love this section of my blog! Ever since I lost my mom to cancer almost 9 years ago I have made it my life’s mission to find healthier alternatives, try them, and now share what has worked for me with all of you! So without further ado, here is my story of my new-found love and secret weapon to fighting #mombrain!
#Mombrain No More
Being a mom has brought so much joy into my life over the last 18 years. My kids motivate me to be the best version of myself, but I’m not gonna lie some days are more challenging than others (as I’m sure you all are aware!). Even though I wouldn’t change a single thing I can still remember those long sleepless nights having to nurse my youngest every 2 hours (he was a preemie) then having to get up for work at 5 a.m.
To help me function at a somewhat normal capacity I would always turned to coffee, but after a while I started to develop a major sensitivity to it. No matter what brand I would try it would always leave me feeling jittery and with an upset stomach from the coffee’s acidity. Then one day I received an email from one of my favorite spiritual guru’s, Gabby Bernstein. Her email talked about her very similar battle with coffee and how she had come to love this mushroom-enhanced coffee that gave her zero jitters, tasted like coffee, and boosted her brain power! I just had to try it out for myself and I am so HAPPY that I did! Jitters, GONE. Upset stomach, GONE. Mom brain, GOODBYE!! Ever since, I now have a cup or TWO of Four Sigmatic Coffee a day. My go to now is the Mushroom Matcha with Lion’s Mane . For some time now the Mushroom Matcha has been sold out but they are now fully restocked, for now! Try it now and receive 10% off with discount code “jesshappy” !!!
What’s So Great About Mushroom Matcha w/ Lion’s Mane?
Here’s why Four Sigmatic Mushroom Matcha with Lion’s Mane beats regular coffee by a mile:
- It tastes just like regular coffee (not like mushrooms, I promise!)
- Even though it has less caffeine, one cup packs a more powerful punch than regular coffee… without the jitters or acidity
- The added Lion’s mane mushroom and matcha is great for brain health, memory, and creative benefits.
- It includes the powerful adaptogen astragalus to protect your body from stress. Yes Please!
- There is also a hint of ginger to improve digestion and flavor.
- It’s organic, ceremonial grade matcha.
- You can make it hot, cold or even mix it in your ice cream!
Try it now and receive 10% off with discount code “jesshappy” !!
WARNING: Once you try this, you may never want to go back to your regular coffee again! It’s that GOOD!
Nerd Alert!
Some nerdy facts about Matcha tea. It’s vibrant green color comes from chlorophyll, nature’s best detoxifier that helps to cleanse our bodies at molecular levels by increasing our blood’s ability to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to our cells. I’ll definitely drink to that!
If you’re looking to curb your daily coffee intake, matcha is a superb choice for the morning or afternoon. While matcha has caffeine, it also contains L-theanine, a relaxing amino acid, resulting in a feeling of balanced energy for your whole body. There aren’t many drinks out there that can make you feel energetic, calm, and focused all at the same time but our Mushroom Matcha is pretty much, everyday magic. If you do decide to give it try I would love to know what you think!!

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